
Reconciliation in Action Students Union for Christian Action (December 1982) Contents:                                                                                                                  Page:    INTRODUCTION Introduction                                                                                                                1 PURPOSE OF CONGRESS Reconciliation in Action – the purpose of Congress                                                       2 RECONCILIATION AND HISTORY Perspective on South African History                                                                          5 Forces that have shaped South African History – A Black Perspective                                                                                                      12 RECONCILIATION AND THE LAW                                          Laws that prevent...

Brief Overview of the Abortion and Mental Health Professional Literature Priscilla K. Coleman, PhD, Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403, USA. For a significant number of women, abortion initiates powerful negative feelings and alienation from others (Kero,...

Professor Forstchen’s words about nazi Germany are chillingly applicable to South Africa today in its indifference to the daily slaughter of some 450 unborn children: “The true form of evil rarely looks evil on the surface, it seduces us with fair face as it leads,...